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Interface RetrieveProjectPlanOptions

Options for retrieving YouTrack issue data and building a project plan.


  • RetrieveProjectPlanOptions



Optional omitIssueActivities

omitIssueActivities: undefined | false | true

Whether issue activities should be omitted, in which case YouTrackIssue.issueActivities will be the empty array for all issues.

Retrieving past issue activities is the most time-consuming part of reconstructing a project plan. If the activity information is not required, this option should therefore be set to true.

By default, this is false; that is, issue activities are retrieved.

Optional progressCallback

progressCallback: ProgressCallback

Callback for progress updates.

By default, there is no callback.

Optional progressUpdateIntervalMs

progressUpdateIntervalMs: undefined | number

Interval (in milliseconds) in which progress updates will be provided to the callback.

By default, this is 200 milliseconds.

Optional restBatchSize

restBatchSize: undefined | number

Number of elements per HTTP request to array resources. See also httpGetAll().

By default, this is 100.

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